you really looked at your lawn lately and noticed it just doesn’t look very
healthy? You are probably pondering about what could be going on and what
could be causing this issue. If, after you have checked for insects,
disease, improper watering and know that your lawn is properly fertilized, you
might consider aerating your lawn. Aerating my lawn? What is
aerating and why should I consider doing it?
is the process of inserting holes in your lawn for better water absorption,
nutrient absorption and helping in the process of eliminating thatch. The
problem starts when the top four inches of soil becomes extremely hard and
compact. Like when your trash can is full and you smash it down to make a
little more room.
you run out of room and there is no place else for the trash to go. Well
this is the general concept of compaction. The water and nutrients cannot
penetrate the soil. The thatch from lawn mowing, instead of being
decomposed and returned to the earth will just sit there inviting molds,
mildews, disease and unwanted insects.
also enhances oxygen levels to your soil thus stimulating root growth and
speeding up the decomposition of the thatch decomposing organisms. In removing
the plugs of soil from your lawn this process severs roots, rhizomes and
stolons. The affects of this stimulate your grass to produce new shoots
and roots that will fill in the holes and increase the density of your
lawn. It also increases your lawns drought tolerance and you should be
able to see an overall improvement in your lawns health.
type of grass you have (Bermuda or St. Augustine lawns) will pretty much
dictate when to aerate and how deep to make your holes. You should allow at
least four weeks of good growing weather for your lawn to recover. Most of us
in Dallas-Fort Worth area that we consider planting climate zones 7-8 is
composed of warm-season grass, aeration should take place in spring or summer
when the grass is actively growing.
aerating your lawn, it is best to aerate on a day where the temperatures are
milder and the soil in a moist condition, which will make the aerating process
much easier. Aerating wet soil can be a real nuisance due to the fact
that the plugs will get stuck in the hollow tines and can further compact you
often should I aerate my lawn? There is no real determination time for
this question. The best way to find out if your lawn needs to be aerated
is to do a small test of your soil. A very simple way to make that
determination is to take a screwdriver and insert it into the soil. If
insertion is fairly easy your soil should be just fine. If insertion is
difficult, it is probably time to aerate.
might only need to do a small area in your yard or possibly a large area.
If you only do a small area, you can use a spading fork for the job to insert
holes into the soil. Although this is not really the recommended way to
aerate because it only forces the soil particles around the hole closer
together causing more compaction. It will kind of work, but you will not
get the desired affect you are hoping to achieve. So it is recommended
that you purchase a sod-coring tool from your local home improvement
store. These are not very expensive and they do a lot better job.
larger areas you will have to use an actual aerator. Since this is an
item that you really will not use very often, you can rent one from a local
lawn and garden center or there are many other equipment rental businesses that
more than likely will have aerator available for rent.
penetration depth will depend on the type of soil you have, the moisture levels
of your soil, and the tine diameter, weight and power of the aerator. You
can contact a local landscaper or garden center for the specific specifications
for you soil type. You should also leave the soil plugs on the
lawn. Rain and traffic will eventually break the up the plugs. The
plugs are actually very beneficial as they contain microorganisms that help to
decompose any layers of thatch that are present.
is the basics of why you should aerate you lawn and the benefits of
aeration. Once you have decided to aerate and see the end results, you
will be glad you did. If you would like more detailed information on
aeration you can do some research on the web or you can contact your local
greenhouse or garden and they would be more than willing to give you advice and
assistance. Enjoy your almost new lawn!
Question: Hi Jimmie, I am hoping you
can help me with my question. I have these funny looking little things growing
on my Azaleas. I emailed you a picture from a contact link on your website,
(awesome site by the way!) Do you have any idea what they could be? And will
they harm my Azaleas? Thank you for your time. Pam C. in Prosper
Answer: Hi Pam, thanks for the
compliment and yes I did receive your picture you sent in and have positively
identified those as "azalea leaf galls" (or "azalea galls")
and are not considered overly serious. They're caused by a fungus. Pick off the
leaves where the azalea leaf galls occur and dispose of them properly: Do not
put them in the compost and do not leave them lying around on the
ground, or the fungus will spread to your other branches. A generic fungicide
can be sprayed on your plants late fall or early winter to avoid this from
happening again next year.
next time…Happy Gardening!!
Send your
landscaping and gardening questions to Jimmie Gibson Jr. at http://www.absolutelybushedlandscaping.com
or in care of the Prosper Press at rwilliams@prosperpressnews.com
Jimmie is the owner of Absolutely Bushed Landscaping Company.
He is a resident in Prosper. His landscaping and gardening column runs every
other week in the Prosper Press.
1 comment:
by many industrial tools today. To be safe, set your clutch to the lowest setting for testing. Most large and deep roots can be quickly removed with this amount of torque.
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