any Garden Resolutions?
are a few to consider
Resolution #1: Experiment With Form and Texture

Resolution #2: Appreciate Your Plants
After going
through a long winter, plant lovers are often guilty of going crazy at the
nursery in the spring. We buy too many different kinds of trees, shrubs and
perennials all at once — one of this, one of that…. This, despite the fact that
one of the most important principles to remember when designing your own
landscape is that masses of the same plant can have a much bigger visual impact
in planting beds.
sometimes it’s more satisfying to walk into the nursery and buy a smorgasbord
of individual plants. But that’s just for one day. How to derive the most
satisfaction from your plants over the long term is an issue of much greater
importance, don’t you think? There’s something to be said for turning our
attention to more fully appreciating each and every plant we end up growing in
our gardens each season.
Resolution #3: Look for the Details
There are so
many small details worth admiring! I find I derive maximum satisfaction from my
garden when I slow down long enough to admire what’s already there, properly,
before adding too much more before some good thought. To that end, I recommend
carrying around a magnifying glass when in the garden, just kidding! But do pay
attention to smaller plants that may have a bigger impact than you give them
credit for. Or perhaps your pretty satisfied and just want to add a few small
things? Those small changes can make a world of difference!
Resolution #4: Raise Your Gardening to a New Level
Perhaps a bad
back precludes your stooping over with a magnifying glass to appreciate the
details of plants on the ground, consider growing your plants in raised beds,
which effectively bring the plants up to your level. Of course, it's also
easier to maintain plants in
raised beds. Raised beds also tend to have much better drainage for your plants
as well.
Resolution #5: Keep a Garden Journal
But don’t stop
there! At the next level of commitment, the plant appreciator keeps a garden
journal. Keeping a garden journal will allow you to record the changes in your
plants, as they progress through the seasons — and from year to year, if you
have the discipline to stick with it that long!
And if you’re
even a bit more committed to "making a connection" with your plants
and thereby appreciating them to the fullest, snap photos of them at different
junctures along the way. A close-up lens comes in handy for this but isn’t
absolutely necessary. The photos can be incorporated in your garden journal. I
find the easiest way to keep such a journal can be on your computer. For instance,
to chart the progress of Magnolia tree, create a “Magnolia Tree” folder.
Garden Resolution
#6 -- Turn Plants Into Vacation Memories
Here's another
great way to make a connection with a particular plant:
Going on
vacation? When making a trip by car, take note (pictures can be even better if
possible) of any plant that really catches your eye, as you observe what the locals
are growing in their landscapes. Then try to find a nursery in that same area,
where you can make inquiries concerning the availability and growing
requirements of that plant. Of course (depending on where you're vacationing),
you may quickly find out that it won't grow in your own planting zone. But
assuming the plant in question is growable back home, consider buying it, as a
souvenir of your trip.
There are, to
be sure, drawbacks in buying plants on vacation. For example:
- You have
to care for them (get them out of a hot car and into your hotel room as
quickly as possible, and water them)
- They take
up room in a car that is probably already crammed full with luggage and
impatient children!
But on the plus
side, thereafter you'll always associate the plant with the vacation.
Garden Resolution #7 -- Don't Be a Garden Snob
Many of us
"serious" gardeners could profit from lightening up considerably in
our approach to landscaping. Just because plant are "dirt common,"
such as the popular annual flowers, that doesn't necessarily mean
ur high and mighty gardens are too good to be "soiled" by such riffraff. Looked at objectively, annuals can be viewed as a reservoir of color that you can "dip into" as filler during periods when your perennials have run into a "blooming drought." And always remember what one person doesn't really care for the next person would drive across the country to get one! Until next time... Happy Gardening!!
ur high and mighty gardens are too good to be "soiled" by such riffraff. Looked at objectively, annuals can be viewed as a reservoir of color that you can "dip into" as filler during periods when your perennials have run into a "blooming drought." And always remember what one person doesn't really care for the next person would drive across the country to get one! Until next time... Happy Gardening!!
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