Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pool Landscaping Tips
What to Consider Before Planting Near the Swimming Pool
The owner of a new in-ground swimming pool being built in his upscale DFW suburban neighborhood  has a challenge: what to plant in the new built-in planter sandwiched between the pool and a fence. Other than a sago palm being donated by a friend, our client is up in the air on what will join it. “Something tropical – I guess" is the general response we hear allot.
Then there’s the narrow but long strip of dirt where a Creeping Ivy was unearthed, leaving its trademark wear and tear on the wall where it once crept. “My wife wants something with flowers,” the client adds, sounding a bit skeptical about what to do next.
Things to Think About
While living in a warm climate offers a wider variety of plant choices than many areas, those faced with the job of landscaping near a swimming pool still have the basic considerations pool owners in any region must confront.
Before making an impulsive trip to the nursery for whatever strikes your fancy, do some research!!
Plants That Shed

Those fruit and flower-bearing trees and shrubs may be beauties, but they make a big mess when their leaves, needles, fruits, flowers, nuts or catkins fall in and around your pool. Fruit and flowers = extra work for the pool cleaner -- either you or the person you hire.
The Ouch Factor
Lovely roses have thorns, as do colorful bougainvillea, barberry, pyracantha and luscious Yucca shrubs. Add cacti and some succulents to the list. Can you imagine your child accidentally sliding into a rose bush?
Invasive Roots
Over the years, trees and plants with invasive roots can damage the pool’s structure, its surrounding area, like the concrete pool surround and its plumbing system. This list includes Bradford Pear, Elm and Oak trees. Do your research!
Deciduous vs. Evergreen
Let’s see – would you want the striking Crepe Myrtle tree that blooms vibrant colors and sheds or the evergreen Italian Cypress next to your pool? That means lots of pool sweeping vs. not so much. Hmmm -- that's a tough one.
Bee Magnets
While the whole bee / hummingbird / ecosystem thing can be an amazing happening in your garden, you don’t want any pollinators mistaking your pool guests for an enticing honeysuckle or bottlebrush. Other bee-loving' plants include Wisteria, Sweet Clovers, Delphinium, Larkspur, Queen Anne's Lace, Cosmos, Jasmine and many Salvias.
Ultimate Size

A typical client thinks “smaller is better” philosophy when buying plants, and try to find plants in one-gallon, 4-ounce or 6-pack containers. Be forewarned: just because a plant starts out in a 4-ounce pot doesn’t mean it will stay relatively small. Check the label – I’ve bought plants in 4-ounce containers that can reach a height and width of 10 feet. By knowing what I'm getting, I also have gotten some great deals on plants that often are only sold in 5-gallon-or-larger containers. With the right care, the "little guys" catch up quickly to their bigger and often more root-bound siblings.
Natives vs. Exotics

Nearby nurseries or botanical gardens usually feature plants that are indigenous to your area or will adapt well to your climate. You may be tempted by the idyllic images and order an exotic banana tree off some website, but you might be wasting your dollars if it’s not suitable for your neck of the woods. If in doubt, consult regional charts or your local nursery or your professional landscaper.

Low-Maintenance Plants Mean Less Work for You

The landscaping near your pool should enhance its surroundings and often sets a mood, like an island or oasis. You don’t want to be spending the bulk of your free time trimming and fertilizing your poolscaping, especially if it’s hard to access. Keep it simple. With the right plant selections, you can relax in your swimming pool and enjoy the scenery!!
Question: Jimmie,  It's Been Windy. My Young Bradford Pear Tree Now Has Brown, Wilted Leaves. Thank you for your time! Wendy L. in Prosper.

A reader wrote in about newly planted Bradford pear trees, saying that they had borne the brunt of high winds for a couple of days. The Bradford pear trees on the property developed brown leaves; they were wilted and looked dead, despite the homeowner's keeping the ground damp. So what, if anything, can be done...?

Answer: Hi Wendy,
Trees that have just been transplanted frequently experience transplant shock. Their roots have been disrupted, and they can be quick to show their displeasure. If someone picked you up, carried you out of your home and plopped you down on a strange property, you probably would be none too happy, either. In its state of shock, the Bradford pear tree's roots can't send water up to the leaves as they normally would. Pounding winds make matters worse. The result is leaf-wilt.

What can you do to revive your Bradford pear trees? Sadly, not much at this stage of the game. For future reference, windbreaks could have minimized wilt damage, but it's rather late for that now. I can, however, tell you what not to do: Don't fertilize. By feeding the plants, you would be encouraging additional leaf growth. That's not something you want at this point. The root system can't support the canopy as it is, as I said above; so no sense in adding to its burden. Provide the Bradford pear trees with irrigation regularly. Other than that, all you can do is exercise patience and see if they revive. Until next time...Happy Gardening!!

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