Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Amaryllis Plants
How to get Your Amaryllis to Flower
          Amaryllis are difficult plants to categorize. They look tropical and exotic; large, lily-like trumpet blooms on tall, straight stems, with a base of strappy leaves. Flower colors go from white to deep red and include some eye-catching stripped varieties. You’ll pay more for the more exotic varieties and larger bulbs. You can expect your Amaryllis to bloom 7 weeks or longer.
Most amaryllis will go dormant naturally and re-bloom sometime during winter. However, many people prefer to force their amaryllis to bloom for the holiday season. Many ‘prepared’ bulbs are sold in the fall, ready to pot up and have in time for the holidays. Here are tips for forcing your Amaryllis for holiday display, as well as general care for your amaryllis plant.

What You’ll Need
·         Amaryllis Bulb
·         A pot slightly larger than the bulb (½ - 2" around the sides of the bulb)
·         Well-draining Potting Mix
·         Bamboo Stalk
·         Patience

Planting a New Amaryllis Bulb
1.      Choose a bulb(s) that’s full and still has some roots at the base.
2.      Make sure the pot you chose is large enough for the bulb. Generally a 5 - 7" pot will work fine. The bulb needs to feel crowded to bloom.
3.      Partially fill the pot with potting mix and place the bulb so that top third of it will be exposed when you fill in potting soil around the sides of the pot.
4.      Place a small bamboo stalk alongside the bulb. The flowers can get too heavy and inserting the stake now will help you avoid damaging the bulb and roots later.
5.      Water thoroughly.
6.      Place the pot in bright, indirect light and keep the soil moist, but not wet.
7.      A thick flower stalk should shoot up within a few weeks. The flat leaves will follow as the flower plant matures.
8.      Turn the pot every few days, so the flower stalk gets uniform light exposure on all sides and grows straight.
9.      You can feed your Amaryllis with a half strength water soluble food every 2-3 weeks.
10.  When the flowers fade, cut the flower stalk back to just above the bulb. Keep watering the plant until it goes dormant in the fall. You can plant the Amaryllis outdoors for the summer, in partial shade.

Forcing an Existing Amaryllis Plant to Bloom for the Holidays
1.      To force bloom for the winter holidays, cut back the flower stalk after blooming is completed, but allow the foliage to grow. You can place your plant outdoors for summer, if you like, in partial shade.
2.      Keep watered so the soil is moist, but not too wet.
3.      Stop feeding in August.
4.      When it’s time to bring plants indoors, in September or October, move your Amaryllis to a cool (55 to 60 degrees F.), dry spot and stop watering it. The foliage will already be dying back. If you want your Amaryllis to bloom at a specific time, Thanksgiving or Christmas, count backwards about 10 - 12 weeks, to determine when to stop watering, and cross your fingers on timing.
5.      The lack of foliage and water will induce the amaryllis to send out another flower stalk. Resume watering at this time and move the plant to a warm, sunny spot. Leaves will follow shortly and then the blooms.
6.      When the flowers start to fade, start the process over.

Allowing Your Amaryllis to Re-bloom Naturally
1.      To allow your Amaryllis to re-bloom naturally, cut off the flower stalk after blooming ceases, but let the foliage continue to grow as long as it can. Keep it in bright light, indoors or outside.
2.      Keep watered so the soil is moist, but not too wet.
3.      Stop feeding in August.
4.      Bring indoors before a frost and place in a cool spot in indirect, bright light.
5.      The leaves will start to yellow and drop around December. Keep watering as usual and new flowers stalks should appear in a month or two. Resume feeding around this time and move the plant to a warm, sunny spot. Leaves will follow shortly and then the blooms.
6.      When the flowers fade, start the process over. Allowing the Amaryllis plant to bloom naturally will result in larger plants and flowers.

General Care & Growing Tips for Amaryllis
·         Whatever method you choose, resume feeding your Amaryllis, after flowering.
·         As your Amaryllis bulb gets larger, you will need to increase the size of the pot accordingly. Just make sure it’s still a good fit.
·         Amaryllis bulbs will produce side bulbs, like other bulbs do. Carefully remove these bulbils and pot up for more plants. Give them a few seasons of growth before expecting any flowers.
·         Some warmth is needed when forcing begins, but flowers will last longer if the plant is kept in a cool spot, once it starts blooming.

·         If your Amaryllis won’t go dormant, remove the remaining leaves and repot.
·         Keep on the lookout for spider mites and mealy bugs. Treat if needed.
·         Reasons Amaryllis don’t bloom:
·         No rest period
·         Insufficient light while actively growing
·         Poor nutrients in soil
Until next time...Happy Gardening!!

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